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Health Sciences Pathway

One of my biggest passions is healthcare. Throughout my high school journey, I have been enrolling in health science classes that fall within the healthcare pathway. These classes allowed me to gain better insight in healthcare and all of the possibilities.  Below, each of the health sciences pathway classes I took/will take are listed along with some of the projects and assignments I did within each course. 

Intro to Healthcare


This class provided me with basic knowledge of health/wellness professionals in private business and industry, community organizations, and health care settings, as well as job opportunities, wage, and duties. This class includes instruction in personal health, community health and welfare, nutrition, epidemiology, disease prevention, fitness and exercise, and health behaviors that are associated with various health careers.

Healthcare Research & Clinical Skills

An in-depth look at a specific topic, area of research, occupation/career, technique or skill in the health science area, which has been selected by the teacher of record for study. Students may further explore the special topic by collaborating, observing, and participating in approved activities with local and regional health care professionals to offer Professional Learning Experiences


Anatomy & Physiology

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Nutrition & Wellness

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Medical Terminology

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Care of Athletes

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Healthcare Work Experience

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First Aid/CPR

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-Prisha Patel-
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