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Final Reflection

     I really enjoyed taking the Healthcare Research & Clinical Skills course. I learned a lot about the things in healthcare that interest me, such as pediatric medical tools. I was also able to learn the basics that will help me in the future. For instance, I learned the differences between bacteria and viruses. Furthermore, I learned life skills as well. When I was completing the essential skills activity, I was able to identify all of the life skills that this course is helping me practice. For example, I learned how to manage information. I also learned to manage my time better. I also liked how I got BLS certified through this course. Learning BLS is good for life and healthcare. I also liked how I was able to get that certification on my portfolio. Another thing I liked was that I got to add onto my portfolio. I think that I am on my way to creating a portfolio that will benefit me in the future. Overall, this was a great course which taught me a lot of great things that will help me in the future.  

-Prisha Patel-
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