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Final Reflections

Final Reflection:

Prisha Patel


Intro to Healthcare

30 October 2020

Intro to Healthcare


I am awesome.

I am smart.

I am kind.

I am strong.

I am beautiful.

And I make a difference. 


     The healthcare industry is growing rapidly which means that the array of jobs keeps on increasing. With its broad spectrum of careers, healthcare is a bit intimidating to me. Before completing the final research assignment, I only knew a few of the jobs that healthcare offered. These jobs were the basic ones that you notice more than others. I had my heart set out on having some sort of a career in pediatrics. I still am interested in becoming a pediatrician of some sort, but now I know that I have other options that I am also interested in. 


     One of the careers I researched was healthcare administrator. I had never even heard of this career before this project. After diving deep into what a healthcare administrator is and what they do, I realized that this is a great potential career for me. By researching further, I realized that most of the careers I was interested in originated from the diagnostic, therapeutic, and health informatics pathways. I learned that the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways involve lots of patient interaction. This attracted me easily. I have always known that I wanted to work with patients on a daily basis, and now I have my career options narrowed down to two main pathways. I also found that I am not really interested in careers that are in the support services pathway and the biotechnology research and development pathway. 


     After doing this research project, I can confidently say that healthcare is still a career field I am interested in. I know this for many reasons. When I first started diving into careers, I found myself wanting to continue to research. This was the initial sign that healthcare is a field that I am generally interested in. Secondly, I found that my personality and preferences match up with healthcare careers. With so much concrete evidence that proves healthcare is a great possibility for my future career, I am fully confident that healthcare is something I am going to continue to take part in some way or another. 


     Besides learning more about the endless possibilities for me in healthcare, I learned a lot about me as a person. I discovered that I am a very social person. While I always had a social personality, I didn’t identify how important a career with a social aspect was to me. I also learned that I have an enterprising persona. It is really great to know that I didn’t just grow as a future healthcare professional, I also grew as a person through this project.  I believe that the broad spectrum of careers that I researched contributed to me finding out more about myself. I wouldn’t have known that I have an enterprising personality if I hadn’t researched careers like healthcare administrator. The list of careers that was given was really a great spectrum of careers that not many people know about. I wouldn't have ever researched a radiologist’s career if it wasn't for this project. However, after I researched this option, I found that it is a very interesting job. 


     Intro to healthcare has been a great class for me. Healthcare hasn’t just provided me with knowledge of potential career options, it has given me much more. Intro to healthcare broadened my view on assignments. Before this course, most of my presentations would be formatted in the same way, have a couple of images, and have lots of information on the slide. This was the general overview of how other teachers wanted the slides to look. Having a teacher who challenged me to think of new ways of presenting information was really amazing. I was challenged constantly to improve upon my previous work, and to make my presentations more engaging yet simple and to the point. I know for a fact that I am going to carry this work ethic on to future projects. 


     Intro to healthcare also helped me grow as a person. I remember how on the first day of class, I was just a freshman trying to figure out everything. I was trying to see if I was generally interested in healthcare, and whether or not healthcare provided options that fit me. Now, I am leaving this class knowing that there are an endless amount of possibilities for me in healthcare. I understand that assignments aren’t always worksheets, they can be something more if you make it to be. 


     This class has not only helped me grow as a person and how I think, it has also given me more things to be proud of. I am proud of how much I have grown over this course. I look back at my first project and I compare my final one to it, and I find so much growth. I went from doing the basics of a presentation to creating something that not only am I proud of, but something that helped me embed knowledge into my brain through a creative way. I also made new connections. I went from only really interacting with a couple of people, to interacting with the entire class in one way or another. 


     The knowledge that I have gained through this class is remarkable. I learned about the 5 career pathways in healthcare. I discovered which of those career pathways suits me best. I also found careers within those pathways that were unknown to me. For example, I learned that I lean towards the diagnostic and therapeutic pathways, and I also learned that I am interested in careers such as a radiologist. I also learned some of the basic medical terminology. I learned that pyrexia is another name for fever. I know that medical terminology is a huge part of healthcare, so I am glad that I have a basis for that now. 


     Besides learning about the terminology and pathways, I learned a lot about taking vitals. I practiced taking vitals every day, and I found out what normal vital results generally look like. For instance, a normal blood pressure should be below 120/80mmHg. It is super great to have the tools to start taking better care of,  not only others, but also myself. I also learned some life skills through intro to healthcare. For example, I learned that being organized and prepared will help you a lot. The assignment where we bookmarked important websites really proved this. We used these websites frequently, and having them easily accessible made everything easier. Last but not least, I learned about how positivity can impact your day. Saying my daily affirmations really helped brighten my day when I was stressed. I think that I am going to carry on this positivity throughout my life. 


     Overall, intro to healthcare was a course that saw me grow step by step. It taught me everything from healthcare careers to life skills. I can’t wait to continue growing as a person and future healthcare professional with my new knowledge to guide me. 



I am awesome.

I am smart.

I am kind.

I am strong.

I am beautiful.

And I make a difference. 

-Prisha Patel-
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